
Sprinto Talks

Sprinto can join a voice channel during a sprint and make sounds at the start and when time’s up. It’s not consistently reliable and difficult to debug (I’m yet to work out a way to tell if it’s been working or randomly stopped for someone or everyone).

Because of possible reliability issues Sprinto Voice is in perpetual beta. These commands will not be available on your server unless you’ve requested it. Ask on the Sprinto Planet discord if you’d like to try it.

How it works

Sprinto will automatically join the first voice channel it finds with “sprint” in the name (e.g. “🔊 Sprinting talk”). You can set it manually with @Sprinto set_voice_home_here or disable Sprinto using voice with @Sprinto voice_home_off .


The only setup required is creating a Discord voice channel with a name starting “sprint”, for example: 🔊 Sprinto-chat. However if you’d like to choose a different voice channel or turn voice off, you can use the commands below.

Note again, this feature isn’t enabled unless your server has been added to a list of enabled servers. Request beta voice access on the Sprinto Planet discord.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

@Sprinto set_voice_home_here
Join a voice channel first, then use this command. This sets Sprinto’s voice channel. It’s a server-wide setting.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

@Sprinto clear_voice_home
@Sprinto reset_voice_home

Reset Sprint’s voice channel to the default (i.e. any voice channel with “sprint” in the name)

If Sprinto’s previous voice channel is removed you may have to use this command to have Sprinto find another.


MC To use this command you must have the @SprintMC role, @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.
@Sprinto voice_home_on

Allow Sprinto to join voice channels on your Discord server (defaults to on)


MC To use this command you must have the @SprintMC role, @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.
@Sprinto voice_home_off

Stop Sprinto joining voice channels

See also