Settings (admin)

All settings can be set to on, off or default. There’s also a choice for help which displays help for the setting without changing it.


@Sprinto settings

Display values of channel settings.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

/setup-set-show-patreon-requests setting: On
@Sprinto setShowPatreonRequests on

Show / don’t show requests to join Sprinto’s Patreon, donate through Ko-fi (or to buy Sprinto merch) at the end of sprints.

You can also use @Sprinto patreon and @Sprinto merch for links.

As a courtesy I allow the occassional Patreon related messages to be “turned off”. There aren’t many of these messages, and sometimes one might still slip through, e.g. if it’s part of a news update.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

/setup-set-show-quotes setting: On
@Sprinto setShowQuotes on

Hide or show quotes at the end of sprints.

Quotes are meant to provoke thought and discussion. They appear approximate once every two sprints or so. If they’re not appropriate for your sprinting group, turn them off.

I don’t mind removing individual quotes from the database if they’re problematic or even overly prescriptive.

Feel free to report any quotes by leaving feedback with the /feedback command. Be sure to include the quote itself in your feedback. You can also join the Sprinto Planet Discord server to leave feedback.

show-ps (post sprint text)

Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

/setup-set-show-ps setting: On
@Sprinto setShowPS on

Show or hide all post-sprint text. Turning this off will hide quotes, updates, combined word counts, /forgetme help, and everything else which would otherwise be shown after the scoreboard.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

/setup-set-autoping setting: On
@Sprinto setAutoPings on

Set whether sprinters who join should automatically be pinged (mentioned) at the start of the next few sprints. If off, users will not be added to the list of users be pinged at the start of future sprints. Users can still manually use /pingme or /always. Even with autopings off, the always_ping_role setting will be respected, so, for example, if you have a @sprinter role which users can add themselves to and use @sprinto always_ping_role @sprinter, then Sprinto will alert them of new sprints via that role. Use @Sprinto forgetallusers Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner. to remove all existing individual user pings.

See Ping Roles for more info.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

This setting is being updated and these options may be out of date

/setup-set-walltime setting: sometimes
@Sprinto setWalltime sometimes

Show or hide display of the ending “wall time” when sprint starts. e.g. “(Runs until ⏰ :30)”.

  • With sometimes (the default) it will only be shown if the sprint ends near an exact minute.
  • With on it will be always shown (at least for sprints longer than 2 minutes).

Wall time also shown with the /time command for both on and sometimes.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

/setup-set-listen-to-carl setting: Off
@Sprinto setListenToCarl off

By default Sprinto ignores messages from other bots. Setting “listen-to-carl” to On tells Sprinto it’s OK to listen to Carl-bot. This allows Carl-bot to start sprints on a schedule. See Carl-bot x Sprinto for more info.

See also

  • Setup (setting up Sprinto)