Allowed channels (admin)

Sprinting channel whitelist (Sprinto Setup)

If any channels on your server are set as ‘allowed’ with set-allowed-channel then starting sprints will be disallowed in channels which have not been set as allowed. When a member of your server tries to sprint in a channel which has not been allowed they’ll pointed to all allowed channels. If no channels are explicitly set as ‘allowed’ (the default) then Sprinto allows sprinting in all channels.

Alternatively, you can use Discord’s permissions system to disallow Sprinto from reading or sending messages in channels where he should not be used or seen. You may also have to remove permissions from users to use bot commands in those channels too. However, using the set-allowed-channel command (detailed below) is simpler and is recommended.

Note: Sprinto does not have a concept of secret or hidden channels. Sprinto will attempt to point Discord users to a sprint room even if the user does not have permission to see or use that channel.

All these commands require an Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner. , that is: a @Sprint Admin, server administrator or server owner.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

@Sprinto set_sprinting_channel_here

Whitelist a channel to allow sprints to be run in it. Multiple channels can be selected by using this command in multiple channels.

Starts using a whilelist if it was previously not used.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

@Sprinto unset_sprinting_channel_here

Remove a channel from the whitelist. If none are left on the whitelist, sprinting is not restricted to any channel.


Admin To use this command you must have the @SprintAdmin role, be an administrator on the server, or be the server owner.

@Sprinto clear_allowed_channels

Clears the whitelist and stops using it. Allows sprints to be run in all channels.

See also

  • Setup (setting up Sprinto)